Collaborative hOlistic Research Environment Lab – CORE Lab
“My point [is] that the classification into disciplines is comparatively unimportant, and that we are students not of disciplines but of problems.”[1]
Karl Popper’s phrase seem to us the best way to define our work in the Core Lab, a research community consisting of women and men, experts in different fields, engaged in the daily task of finding innovative solutions to be put to the service of civil, social and industrial entities.
To succeed in this task, we believe that a multidisciplinary approach—putting side by side counterparts of different types of disciplines—is not enough. That’s why we commit ourselves to an interdisciplinary perspective; to practice an effective dialogue between disciplines; not only from a theoretical point of view, but also through a practice founded on listening to each other, with appreciation of differences and the ethics of communication, based on the real needs of our partners.
Being together, working side by side every day, allow us to address innovation, ensuring effective responses to the specific needs of the market.
Our inspiration is to imagine, study, plan and bring innovative products and services that enable and drive socio-technical innovation processes.
We wanted our mission to be symbolically invoked with the Core Lab logo.
Its different colored fragments represent our different disciplines which arise from a shared nucleus. Furthermore, they are able to interact together, not in a confused but a coordinated manner and in such a synchrony that they find the rhythm and the rationale to reach outward.
Significantly, in the Italian language, the term “Core” may refer to the heart, the organ that metaphorically expresses the passion for life. We really feel in this way: enthusiastic supporters of the potential of science, but also aware that not everything that is technically possible is morally acceptable. For this reason, we also seek to cultivate a self-critical attitude as we move forward.
Without naivety, we work hard because the dream of making a better world can finally become a reality.
[1] K.R. Popper, Conjectures and Refutations, Basic Books, New York, London, p. 67