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So far cpdm has created 26 blog entries.



    Dialoghi tra Scienza ed Etica


    Nei prossimi giorni, il Core Lab diventa protagonista della scena culturale italiana. Il suo evento, ‘Dialoghi tra scienza ed etica’, è stato infatti selezionato come evento ufficiale del prestigioso Festival della Complessità 2018.
    I ‘Dialoghi tra scienza ed etica’ rappresentano un’occasione speciale sia per riflettere sul ponte che collega i saperi scientifici e umanistici sia per riscoprire, attraverso un approccio dialogico, le ragioni che sono alla base delle ricerche dei giovani esperti del Core Lab.
    Gli ospiti del primo evento, che si terrà il 18 Maggio, dalle 10.30 alle 13.30, sono Luca Maria Scarantino e Supakwadee Amatayakul. Il prof. Scarantino, direttore della prestigiosa rivista Diogenes, è il Segreterio generale della Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie, l’organismo che, riunendo tutte le società filosofiche del mondo, organizza a Pechino il Congresso Mondiale di Filosofia (dove quest’anno sono attesi più di 5000 partecipanti!). La professoressa Amatayakul, conferenziera di fama mondiale, è una filosofa tailandese, teorica dell’etica della cura e del pensiero femminista.
    Nel seminario dei due filosofi, parleremo del rapporto tra propaganda e cultura scientifica e del rapporto tra donne e scienza.


      1st International School on INDUSTRY DIGITAL EVOLUTION


      The University of Salento organizes the “1st International School on Industry Digital Evolution”. It represents a moment of confrontation and discussion with experts from the academic and industrial world to share experience gained on Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 and to target new research themes. The School is aimed at professionals involved in digital innovation processes of business operations and science experts operating within the concerned topics

       For further information about the programme click here.
       The web site of the 2nd Summer School on Industry Digital Evolution is now online!!!!

      For further pictures click here.



        Culture and Tourism – on Friday 19 May


        Cinema across Borders.

        Since its origins, cinema has been regarded as the most effective medium for overcoming the narrow limits of

        disciplines. On this topic, we have organized a seminar with Simonetta Dellomonaco, Apulia Film Commission’s CDA on May 18, 2017, at 17, Core Lab
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          On Liberty. Autonomy, identity and institutions


          How cinema help us to investigate the real? This is the underlying question of our seminars on philosophy of cinema.

          First screening: Il resto di niente (2004) by Antonietta De Lillo, introduced by some introductory words of Dr. Paola Mauro, Deputy Prefect of Lecce


            The 40 |20 Seminars in Communication Ethics


            How non-verbal communication, ie gestures, body position, eye movements affect our usual communication?

            We intend to discuss the relevance of the implicit and invisible dimensions of the communication process. In order to effectively communicate, in fact, one must at least be informed about their relevance.

            Is it really possible to guess the thought of our interlocutor, starting from her/ his eye movements? Why, sometimes, even though you employ thousands of words, there is a feeling that reaching a shared synthesis is practically impossible?

            The two seminars will be carried out through the innovative formula 40 | 20: 40 minutes of content, 20 minutes of debate.

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              THE LIGHTHOUSE OF LEUCA. 150 Years of Light and Gateway to the East.


              THE LIGHTHOUSE OF LEUCA is an opportunity for the new frontiers of Research and Valorisation of the Lighthouses Adriatic Heritage, as discussed at University of Salento, Campus Ecotekne, June 29, 2016.

              Thanks to the collaboration with the Polytechnic of Bari, the Apulia Region and Apulia Film Commission, the CPDMlab of the University of Salento has hosted the Seminar “THE LIGHTHOUSE OF LEUCA 150 Years of Light and Gateway to the East. New Frontiers of Research and Valorisation of the Lighthouses Adriatic Heritage”. The interventions and the showing of the “Luekos” movie, dedicated to the wonderful Lantern “Finis Terrae” represented an opportunity to discuss with experts, during the round table, about the future possibilities of interdisciplinary collaborations and possible EU funding regarding the cultural heritage enhancement linked with the Mediterranean routes.


                Start up School Lab


                Start-up School Lab is a co-working day, in which the eight finalist schools of the “Natural…mente Scuola” Project exchange views with Universities and companies, with the purpose of analyzing both the strengths and the weaknesses of their business ideas.

                Now in its eighth edition, “Natural…mente Scuola” is a project for Apulian Secondary Schools students, with the aim to raise awareness and draw younger generation into environmental sustainability and its link with technological innovation.

                This year, for the first time, the project involves three big companies in the aeronautical sector: The Boeing Company, Avio Aero and Leonardo, which promote the initiative, in collaboration with Edu Ellesse and supported by University of Salento and Polytechnic University of Bari.

                Start up School Lab, a new feature this year, represents a crucial moment of comparison with academic researchers and promoting companies’ experts, to discuss both the strengths and the weaknesses of the business ideas developed by each schools during the project.

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